| Founder Aikido the Founder aikido Morihej Uesiba was born on December, 14th, 1883 in Tanabe provinces Kii (nowadays - prefecture Wakayama) in a family of the small land owner. Father Moriheja, YOroki Uesiba, was selected a member of local municipality and was one of dear people. Political opponents who quite often resorted to services of the hired smashed, severely beating YOroki. the violence Seen in the early childhood has left a deep trace in consciousness Moriheja and the desire to be quit with offenders of the father became the main incentive motive of its aspiration to physical perfection. In adolescence Uesiba was fragile and painful, however, vigour, purposefulness and good manners favourably distinguished it from other children. Spiritual and intellectual development young Moriheja was in many respects defined by influence of Buddhist priests Fudzimoto Mitsudzo and Nasu Tasaburo. Were its instructors. Under the insisting of the father he is engaged in swimming and sumo; at this time its interest to fighting arts starts to be shown. Having learnt to read at seven-year age and successfully having mastered the program of school and college, young Uesiba becomes serving in fiscal administration, and then, in 1901, full of ambitious plans, leaves in Tokyo. In the beginning it studies trading business, and then opens in a quarter Asakusa own shop " Uesiba Сокай". Its interest to budo grows, and it spends all free time for training Kito-Rju Dzjudzjutsu under the guidance of Tokusaburo Todzava. And also Ken-dzjutsu in dodze Sinkage-Rju. However, soon he falls ill with an avitaminosis and is compelled to come back in Tanabe where after a while marries the girlfriend of childhood Hatsu Itokava. the Thought on necessity of strengthening of health does not leave it and, hardly having recovered from heavy illness, it starts daily trainings, ruthlessly increasing loadings. Gradually its forces are restored, and on the eve of twentieth anniversary Morihej looks absolutely differently. Its body is covered with the reservation of muscles and, despite the small growth (only 152 see) It is much stronger than many. However, purely physical perfection does not satisfy it and Uesiba goes in Sakaj to known master Nakai Masakatsu to study Goto-Ha Jagju-Rju Dzjudzjutsu; received by it during that time skills were reflected subsequently in movements ajkido. During this period Uesiba gives many forces to the decision of local social and economic problems, and its rough political activity brings to it popularity and respect of inhabitants Tanabe. It was full of forces and possessed an unbending will. Its aspiration always to be ahead of others was shown in everything, including in rural competitions on preparation of rice flat cakes. Uesiba so skilfully and vigorously coped with a heavy sledge hammer with which help the rice weight got off that left all contenders. Have seriously become complicated, and Uesiba has entered the volunteer the infantry regiment billeted in Wakayama which has soon been directed in Manchzhuriju. High spiritual and physical qualities, military skill and valour Uesiby in operations have been highly appreciated by command, and to it the rank of the sergeant is appropriated. Shortly before demobilisation Uesiba receives the offer to arrive in military academy, however, he resolutely refuses continuation of military career. Having come back in Tanabe. It with a head plunges into a public life of district, that, however, does not prevent to organise to it for youth judo club, under the guidance of having then the third is given Kiechi Makagi where he assiduously trained. Simultaneously it continues to be improved in Jagju-Rju at Nakai. With which did not break off communication throughout all period of army service, and in 1908 receives the diploma of this school. In 1910 the Japanese government starts realisation of the project of mass settling of island Hokkaido. Uesibu the prospect to replace conditions involves and to try forces in development of new territory, and he heads group of enthusiasts which in the spring of 1911 starts to cultivate the earths around SHirotaki in a province Whales. Within first two years of effort of colonists did not bring notable results, however, diligence and persistence, eventually, have won, and the earth has started to give a good harvest. Uesiba it is entirely shipped in colony affairs: under its initiative the shopping centre, school and hospital are constructed; it brings the essential contribution to expansion of a local temple and will organise association on building in railway region. Its care of the general blessing, selflessness and enterprise caused trust and respect poselentsev which respectfully called it " King Shirotaki". In February, 1915, during a trip in Engaru, Uesiba has met known master Dajto-Rju Dzjudzjutsu Sokaku Takeda who has agreed to train in its art and, after a while, has arrived in SHirotaki. Uesiba has constructed the house for the teacher and entirely cared of it, including cooking and baths that did not exclude the separate tuition fee making from three hundred to five hundred yens for each new reception. The future founder ajkido gives all forces (equally, as well as money) to study and, having been occupied directly with Takedoj in total no more than hundred days, receives in 1916 treasured diploma Dajto-Rju. This rather short period of his life is directly connected with creation modern ajkido. In November, 1919 Uesiba receives news about heavy illness of the father and, having left all property to teacher Takeda, goes home. On road he meets Deguchi, the head sintoistskoj sects Omotokio, possessing in huge spiritual potential. Ready on everything to cure the father, Uesiba decides to visit Ajabe and to uplift prays about its recover. the Meeting with Deguchi makes indelible impression on Uesibu. It will do the way home, but, having arrived in Tanabe, to the deep affliction learns, that the father has died four days ago. Deeply grieved by loss of the person most favourite in the world, feeling the powerlessness before relentless death, Uesiba becomes reserved and spends time in passionate prays and reflexions. Tormented with doubts, Uesiba the decision to become the pupil Saint Deguchi, eventually, makes and move a family in Ajabe where conducts a life of the ascetic, being completely given to spiritual self-improvement, physical work and employment budo, including. To studying of art of possession by a spear. In 1924 Deguchi makes an attempt to carry out the treasured dream - to create in Mongolia the Kingdom of the World and Justice on the basis of association of new religious currents. Uesiba, among several most entrusted adherents of sect, accompanies it on this travel full of dangers on territory on which the Chinese and Japanese armies at that time battled. Noble mission Deguchi has failed also its participants transferred of many deprivations and repeatedly appearing on a hair from death, were rescued only thanks to intervention of the Japanese government. Having come back in the summer of 1921 in Ajabe, Uesiba again devotes itself to persistent trainings, trying to get into essence budo. Year to it has paid visit one naval officer - the expert on kendo, the conversation with which has unexpectedly outgrown in the conflict and has come to the end with duel. The officer armed with a wooden sword furiously attacked Uesibu, however, any of its blows has not achieved the object. Definitively having grown weak, it has fallen on the earth and the Founder ajkido has explained to it, that felt each blow still before it has been put actually. This ability to expect action of the opponent was showed for the first time at it in Mongolia when trying to kill Uesibu the Chinese soldier to the amazement has found out it after a shot in itself behind the back. According to the Teacher, it has received the mental impulse testifying to aggressive intention for a share of second before real action. Having a rest after duel in a garden, Uesiba has suddenly felt hitherto unknown to it. On it has condescended revelation, and to it the essence budo has opened. It could not move from a place and has felt filled his soul and a body prosvetlennost. The world surrounding it has started to vibrate, and from the earth has risen and has shrouded its golden fog. He has started to understand shchebetanie birds and has felt ability to get even in plans of the divine creator of the Universe. In this volume to plunge the opponent by means of force, and in keeping the world and harmony in the Universe, favourably to accept all real and to promote its blossoming. He has realised, that practice budo inevitably should lead to perfection ourselves and the world surrounding us. This inspiration has abruptly changed his life and has led to creation ajkido. the Spiritual beginning is peculiar to all Japanese fighting arts, however, anywhere it is not developed to such degree to bear in itself love to mankind. Having based on philosophy new budo concepts of General Love and Harmony, Uesiba has finished in general construction of system of spiritual, physical and moral perfection of the person which he names ajkido later. Since second half 20th years, popularity of Teacher Uesiby quickly grows, its house in Ajabe even more often is visited by known masters budo, the high-ranking politicians and military men. In 1927, under the invitation of one of the patrons, admiral Takesity, he moves in Tokyo where starts to train in art ajkido military elite and representatives of the nobility. It constantly receives invitations to show the skill, spends dvadtsatiodnodnevnyj a seminar for the members of Imperial Guards who had not below fifth is given on a judo or kendo. At the same time, constant Dodze it during that time yet has no and is compelled to rent halls in various areas Tokyo. visiting of school Uesiby by the founder of a judo by professor Dzigaro of Kano which, summarising the impressions, has told became One of the most memorable events of this period: " Here my ideal будо", - and soon has directed some the best pupils in Ajki Dodze. Building new Dodze in Ushigome (nowadays Sindzjuku) Vakamatsu-ho which has received name Kobukan has come to the end with spring of 1931. At that time the number of pupils constantly living at school Uesiby - uchideshi - did not exceed several tens persons. All of them passed ruthless selection and possessed uncommon physical data, however, even these young athletes hardly maintained training loadings and a place of their employment soon it became known as " Infernal Додзе" in Ушигомэ". it is possible to name these years rightfully the blossoming period ajkido: the name of Teacher Uesiby has high authority on sphere budo, its art obshchepriznanno, the number engaged and branches constantly grows. top Home / iwama